TigerText - SMS with Expiry Date and Lots more.
Tiger Text is an iPhone app that advertises itself as a tool to help people “cover their tracks” that are left when sending traditional text messages. What Tiger Text does is enable a cheating spouse to send text messages between the “other person” (who is also using Tiger Text) and not worry about the text message being found by someone else — because messages sent via Tiger Text will essentially self destruct within a specified timeframe.
When you send a text message using Tiger Text, the content of your message is never sent to the recipient’s phone as it does when you send a standard text message. Since the message doesn’t reside on the recipient’s phone, but rather stored on Tiger Text’s servers, you are given full control when the messages are deleted from Tiger Text’s servers.
Check out the screen shots below for a sample.
As you can see from the screen shots above, once the messages are gone, they are gone. You can set messages to ‘Delete On Read’ or set your own time limit such as 2 hours, 4 hours, etc. A few other tidbits of information are that both users must have Tiger Text installed (there is a free reader if the other person doesn’t want to buy Tiger Text), and if a message is set to expire at a specified time period and it’s not read, then its gone forever. Check out the screen shot below for an overview of Tiger Text’s settings.
Pricing for Tiger Text is FREE for the first 100 messages or 15 days (whichever comes first), and then its $1.49 per 250 messages sent per month or $2.49 per month for unlimited messages. Currently the iPhone is the only supported device, but there are now plans for BlackBerry and Android versions later this year.
The developer of the app says that using Tiger Text will help you cover your tracks, and I agree 100%. It will help someone cover their tracks who is using Tiger Text to send text messages. However, if a suspicious spouse has secretly installed an iPhone spy app on their spouse’s iPhone, then its game over. The cheating spouse will get caught. I’m 100% sure of it, for the reasons below.
Tiger Text, you don’t have to worry about someone going through your iPhone and reading your text messages. Tiger Text will enable you to set your text messages to either delete when read, or self destruct within a specified time frame. However, it wont protect you from an iPhone spy app as described above.
Features: Automatically delete messages or specify when messages are to self destruct.
Price: FREE for the first 100 messages or 15 days (whichever comes first), and then its $1.49 per 250 messages sent per month or $2.49 per month for unlimited messages.
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